Tuesday, October 2, 2012

OPI - My Very First Knockwurst

Hi all! I'm so sorry to have randomly disappeared on you all. I have spent most of my days since my last update totally freaking out over a broken molar I got on Friday. My biggest concern in this whole situation (aside from the money and pain, and only then it is a really far second/third) is my extreme anxiety/fear I have of the dentist. Silly, I know. Needless to say the situation has pushed me over the edge...so apologies in advance if I take another unannounced leave around here. :( I have still been doing my nails every day with my blog in mind. :) Sorry for all the personal nonsense...on with the NOTD

For the first day of October, seeing as how it is Breast Cancer Awareness month, I decided to kick it off with OPI - My Very First Knockwurst. The formula on this was just as good as Don't Pretzel My Buttons...great coverage with just two coats. Then I busted out my Martha Stewart Glitter and The Best Glue Ever and painted on some random stripes and added some light purple glitter. Big fail...looked better IRL than in picture but it was still kinda weird looking...lol took it off like an hour later! :)

Hola chicas! Discúlpenme por haberme desaparecido unos días. El viernes mientras estaba comiendo me quebré una muela. Desafortunadamente, me da muchísimo miedo ir al dentista y me eh pasado todo este tiempo deprimida y desesperada porque no se como le voy hacer! Por favor mandenme unas buenas vibras porque lo voy a necesitar! Jajaja :) 

Como el mes de Octubre es el mes de prevención del cáncer de los senos, decidí empesar el mes con un esmalte rosado. Para este NOTD use OPI - My Very First Knockwurst que salio con la colección de OPI Alemania. Luego, le puse un poquito de glitter en las puntas...que en realidad no me gusto como quedo pero ni modooo... :)

OPI - My Very First Knockwurst, 2 coats/capas.

Hope you have all been great! :) xoxo