Friday, February 25, 2011


Good morning! <3 Today I have a picture of one of my favorite Zoya colors...Crystal (one of the 3 freebies that I picked). I'm actually quite new to Zoya and was very impressed with their polishes after trying them out in their recent 3 free promo on Facebook. The formula was great, the brush was nice and overall very easy to apply. But what really sold me on Zoya polishes was when I did a mani for both my mother and niece and saw a week later they still had their polish in tact with minimal tip wear!! I never have my nail polish on longer than a day or two so I never get to test that out. So big props to Zoya for not only having awesome colors but for making a great overall product!

This was applied quickly (as you can probably tell, I'm sorry!) and had been on for two or three days:

Buenos días! <3 Ahora les tengo una foto de unos de mis favoritos esmaltes de Zoya que se llama Crystal (fue unos de los 3 gratis que recibí). Nunca había comprado esmaltes Zoya pero cuando tuvieron la promoción de 3 gratis en Facebook decidí que era buen tiempo para hacerlo! Y la verdad estoy muy contenta de haberlo hecho porque me gustaron mucho todos los esmaltes. Pero lo que mas me gusto fue de que hace unos días les pinte las uñas a mi mama y sobrina y después de una semana el esmalte todavía se miraba muy bien! 

Zoya Crystal - 2 coats w/ CG Fast Forward / 2 capas con CG Fast Forward

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