Monday, August 6, 2012


Just when I thought things could not get any worse, they did. I accidentally ran over a parking block and messed up my car. I don't even want to know how much my stupid mistake is going to cost. I just adopted a dog, the person I work for has seriously cut down on my work days and now the car problem. I feel like all I ever do here is whine about my personal life but times have been rough! Sorry! :( Anyway, this is all so depressing because all of this money is money that could have gone to pretty polishes I've been wanting and now it is looking like I'm going into a low-buy/no-buy.

Back to what this blog is I have a Robin Moses inspired mani. I did this a while back and totally loved how it looked in person. Obviously mine is no where near as awesome as Robin's but I tried! The base polish is China Glaze - Harvest Moon (love this color!) and the design was made using acrylic paint I bought from Michael's. The brushes used were those cheap ones from eBay that come in a 3 pack.

Ahora me encuentro un poco deprimida, discúlpenme. :( Ayer fui a hacer un mandado y pegue mi carro contra un bloque de cemento en el parqueadero. No tengo idea como es que no logre verlo! Estoy un poco preocupada por razones de dinero. Como les conté, hace poco adopte a un perrito, la señora con la que trabajo no me esta dando muchos días de trabajo y ahora con lo del se ni lo que voy hacer.

Pero dejando mi vida personal a un lado, la manicura de hoy fue inspirada por Robin Moses. Claro mi diseño no me salio como el de ella pero era mi primera vez jugando con pinturas acrílicas y brochas! :) El esmalte que tengo puesto es China Glaze - Harvest moon y las flores las hice con pinturas acrílicas.

sorry for the blurry pictures! 

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