Sorry for having been gone so long! June and July have been some really hard times for me (and family). In late June a friend passed away in a horrible car accident caused by a drunk driver that was driving on the wrong side of the highway. The drunk driver killed 2 of the 3 passengers in the car, including our friend Nikki. Learning about the accident and attending the funeral got me a bit out of polish because it was just so much to process; I had never been through something like that. However, I have finally managed to pull myself out of it and decided I need to keep my head up and keep going.
Today...I have something from the "vault" for you guys because...I got a new dog today and my hands have quite literally been full! Haven't had a chance to do a new mani. I'll have to take some pictures of him later! I am only fostering him at the moment but will most likely be adopting him because he is so adorable and well behaved. :)
Today...I have something from the "vault" for you guys because...I got a new dog today and my hands have quite literally been full! Haven't had a chance to do a new mani. I'll have to take some pictures of him later! I am only fostering him at the moment but will most likely be adopting him because he is so adorable and well behaved. :)
Discúlpenme por no haber actualizado durante estos días. Junio y Julio an sido dos meses bien difíciles para mi porque una amiga falleció a finales de Junio en un accidente automovilístico. Después de oír las noticias sobre el accidente y atender el funeral se me hizo difícil encontrar alegría en pintarme las uñas. Pero todo esto sucedió hace un mes y ya mas o menos e logrado salirme de la depresión que me había entrado. Se que tengo que salir adelante y también aprender a valorar la vida y mis seres queridos mas que nunca.
Y para dejarlos con mejores noticias...hoy adopte a un perrito! Esta bien lindo! Tendré que poner fotos pronto pero para mientras los dejo con un mani de hace unos días atrás.
Orly - Stone Cold, 2 coats/capas
Orly - Rock Solid, 2 coats/capas